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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  May 8, 2013 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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good morning, america. new this morning, the suspects in the case of those three missing girls set to be charged today. new details about their strange double life in the cleveland neighborhood as we hear this touching first phone call between amanda berry and her grandmother. >> i thought you were gone. >> no, gram, i'm here. >> this morning, one-on-one with the unlikely hero who helped them escape. breaking overnight. air scare, a southwest airlines flight forced to land after crew members claimed three passengers were acting suspiciously midflight. the video just coming in. top-secret operation revealed. chris christie reveals his top secret weight loss operation and even using a fake name and how his wife pushed him before it was too late. >> and -- ♪ we can dance if we want to
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>> are you bored on the treadmill? meet the running man going viral this morning. and good morning, america. robin off today, great to have elizabeth vargas back, and, boy, so many more details coming in on the case of the missing ohio women. that is michele knight, still in the hospital. >> she was the first one to be kidnapped missing for 11 years. we'll hear more about that suspect, ariel castro, who actually helped search for one of the girls, gina dejesus, and comforted her mother and her daughter after her daughter went missing. >> so strange. abc anchor david muir is in cleveland with the latest, good morning, david. >> reporter: fast-moving developments, george and elizabeth. those three suspects are expected to be arraigned in the
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courthouse behind me today. authorities overnight telling me they plan to begin questioning those suspects today, as well. and amanda berry, we all know her voice, that frantic call to 911 that set the whole thing in motion, this morning we hear her voice again, in a very different phone call. overnight an emotional recording far different from amanda berry's frantic call to 911. >> i'm here, i'm free now. >> reporter: this time amanda was on one end of the line, her grandmother in tennessee on the other. her first phone call to grandma fern. >> i'm glad to have you back. >> i know. i'm glad to be back. >> i thought you were gone. >> nope, i'm here. >> i love you, honey. thank god. >> i love you too. >> i thought about you all this time, i never forgot you. >> little girl is your baby. >> yeah, she's my daughter, born on christmas. >> reporter: born on christmas. abc was the first to learn her name is jocelyn and her father
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also speaking out overnight. >> best feeling i ever had to keep hope. keep hope. don't give up. because i never gave up. >> reporter: and in an exclusive one-on-one the deputy chief here in cleveland telling us the little girl is doing well. >> she was eating a popsicle. >> reporter: the little girl. >> yeah, i mean she looked good to me. that amanda had begun to quietly teach her, home schooling her while captive in that house. >> that's what she said, she had been teaching her and liked to play school. >> reporter: then there's michele knight, the one held captive the longest, seen here for the first time in this yearbook photo obtained overnight by abc news. her mother, barbara knight, revealing that when her daughter disappeared she filed a police report but argues no one took it seriously. >> i had a caseworker tell me that maybe she doesn't want me to be involved with her life anymore. >> reporter: she couldn't believe her daughter was found alive. >> i started crying because if it is her, i would love to
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really see her because i miss her. >> reporter: meanwhile, this morning the three suspects, the owner of the home, ariel castro and his brothers pedro and onil. await arraignment. this morning, a shocking twist. ariel castro's own daughter claims she was a close friend of gina dejesus and had tried to schedule a playdate with her on the tragic afternoon dejesus went missing. >> she gave me 50 cents to call my mom and so my mom said no that i can't go over her house and so i told her i couldn't and she said, well, okay, i'll talk to you later and she -- >> reporter: then gina reportedly disappeared. well, that would really be stunning if true. if ariel castro's daughter was the last one to see one of those young female victims before they disappeared. i've also learned from authorities they plan to meet with the three women again today. now begins the delicate task of learning what they endured inside that home.
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wasn't that something that first phone call to grandma fern overnight. >> that was. that certainly was amazing. thank you so much. as we get more information on what happened we've got breaking new information about those suspects and the strange double life they lived in that neighborhood. and more on the bizarre connection between the home owner ariel castro and one of the families. abc's alex perez has more on that story. alex? >> reporter: well, good morning, elizabeth. we're learning this morning that ariel castro was not only friends with the family of gina dejesus but that he helped search for her, even comforting her mother at a vigil last year. police are learning more about the life of ariel castro. he was a bass player in a local salsa band afternoon and played in bands with one of gina dejesus' uncles. this video obtained overnight shows castro during a 2008 traffic stop. it's the first time we've heard his voice. fbi and police investigators in
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hazmat suits returned to castro's house overnight removing more evidence, including parts of that door amanda berry was able to escape through. detectives are towing away these cars and abc news learned the modest home has a 760-foot basement reportedly sealed off by a padlocked door. >> he never had anyone come over. he never had a social life unless they were outside on the porch or something. >> reporter: personnel records show the 52-year-old was fired from his job in november after several suspensions over the last decade for allegedly using his bus to go grocery shopping. police even visiting his home in 2004 after he allegedly left a child on the bus. on his application in 1990, this handwritten comment "i enjoy working with children." alberto, a former band mate of castro' said i wanted to cry.
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i couldn't think this was happening. also today, new questions about whether the investigation could have led to castro years ago. this fbi sketch was released in 2004 just a week after gina dejesus vanished. at the time investigators said they were looking for a hispanic man with a goatee. meantime, police have not said how castro's brothers were involved but one brother, pedro castro, suggested to a local reporter last year that investigators should not be pursuing a tip, that amanda berry's body had been buried at a nearby vacant lot. >> that's a waste of money. >> reporter: now, authorities can only hope castro and his two brothers for a certain amount of time without charging them. investigators have until 11:00 tonight to file those charges. george? and we are joined now by the man who made this rescue happen. charles ramsey, mr. ramsey, thank you very much for joining us this morning. boy, i know it's been a whirlwind for you since monday night. how are you feeling? >> i'm happy.
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i'm, you know, pushing through the level, here. >> a little red bull helps. i understand that. >> i also know you do not like the word hero but it is true that when you answered that door and helped kick it down those young women were finally rescued after so long. has that sunk in for you? >> huh-uh. >> no? >> it's going to be a while, bro. no, no, i mean i'm just -- i'm speechless. >> and you had never seen amanda berry before that moment when you went to her door. >> no. >> what did she say to you in those moments after you finally were able to get her out there and get her on the phone for the 911 call? >> she says, it's more girls in that house, and i was just blown
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away from that statement, you know what i mean? and when the police got there, they went up there and brought the rest of them out. >> and you had never seen anything of any of them before, even though you knew ariel castro a bit? >> not only -- i didn't see nothing, apparently my neighbors haven't seen anything either. i've been there a year. she been right there next door to me for a year. every day since i been -- now, let me tell you something, when you move to a new neighborhood, see, i'm from the east side of cleveland. i'm from richmond heights. i went to brush high school, okay. >> i went to orange.
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>> we're rivals. it's cool. it's cool. it's cool. it's cool. >> but you didn't see anything. >> not one iota. because i wouldn't have been speaking to this dude. i give this dude his mail when he comes to my house. i eat his food when he feels like barbecuing. when he feels like playing salsa music, i try to, you know, merengue. had i known that, it would be a whole different interview, wouldn't it? >> it sure would. you ate ribs with him. you danced with him. you saw him every once in a while and there was nothing at all in his demeanor that would give you the inkling that he could do something like this? >> no. isn't that scary? >> it is.
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>> so i'm that stupid or his kind are that good. >> you've really become a phenomenon all across the country in the last 48 hours. i'm sure you've seen some of all the craziness across the internet including that autotune of your original interview. how does that feel to you? >> if people are happy -- there is no feeling. you do what you got to do. >> and you did what you had to do at the right moment, charles ramsey, thanks very much. wouldn't be here today without him. >> sure wouldn't. let's get the rest of the news without josh. >> he's a hero of regardless whether or not he wants to think so. thank you for that. we begin with a security scare on a flight out of florida. southwest airlines flight 3814 had just taken off from orlando bound for providence when it was diverted to south carolina because three passengers were
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said to be acting suspiciously. abc senior justice correspondent pierre thomas is following the investigation. >> reporter: the southwest flight was diverted because of three men on board acting suspiciously. this passenger cell phone video shows within minutes of landing federal air marshals were on board searching through carry-on luggage and the passengers heard an announcement no one flying wants to hear. >> because these individuals were paying quite a bit of attention to their personal belongings, they gave us an indication that there was something in their personal belongings that was dangerous. >> passengers were shaken. >> it was pretty tense until they told us we could get off. >> reporter: the three men were detained but later released after nothing dangerous was found. they'll likely check their names against terrorism watch lists and may do more background investigation. a sign of the times. >> thank you for that. breaking news overseas.
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dozens of people arrested in connection with a daring diamond heist at an airport in belgium in february. some $50 million in diamonds loaded on to a swiss plane were stolen. the robbers actually driving through the airport fence as a part of the heiseople are now bd and some of the diamonds have in fact been recovered. some striking video after a gas tanker exploded on a highway near mexico city killing at least 2 people. -- least 22 people. the driver hit the center divider setting off the explosion and, in fact, launching parts of the flaming gas tanks into nearby homes. meanwhile, here at home an apparent lack of readiness to launch nuclear missiles has the air force taking drastic steps. at minot air force, it ended with the facility getting a grade of "d," the base commander even called it a crisis. the air force says its missiles
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were never at risk, but 17 officers have been stripped of their authority to launch those missiles and will undergo more training. and a frightening play in major leagues last night. toronto pitcher j.a. happ took a line drive to the head obviously shocking players and fans. he was down for eight minutes. he was carried off in a stretcher to the hospital. thankfully we're told he's in stable condition, this, of course, is a danger that all pitchers face in this sport. it's also one more reason why, boy, we sure hope that pitchers at that level take some steps that the younger players do, wear some protective gear on the head. >> do we know anything about injuries to the head. >> not a good thing, again. it was a dangerous shot. >> thanks so much. now that new jersey governor chris christie has revealed to the world that he had weight loss surgery earlier this year there are big questions about how he managed to keep it a secret for as long as he did. of course, he's saying he did it just to be around for his wife
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and kids. abc's paula faris has the story. >> reporter: chris christie is wasting no time to devouring his critics. >> your opinions on this issue really don't matter a whole hell of a lot for me. >> reporter: the new jersey governor known for his healthy appetite and fiery rhetoric -- >> reporter: sounded off at reporters fuse who questioned why he kept his lap band waist surgery secret even from his lieutenant governor. >> it's like deciding if i take a nap on saturday, do i say, kim, i'm taking a nap for 40 minutes, you're in charge. i mean, ridiculous. >> reporter: the governor who was up for re-election in the fall said he got the idea of surgery from new york jets coach rex ryan who had the same operation. christie's doctor met him at undisclosed locations and on the day of that surgery he even used a fake name. >> i'm sure you're very curious about that. i'm not telling you the name i used to check into the hospital.
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>> reporter: in lap band surgery doctors place a silicone band around the stomach to reduce its size reducing the amount of food it can hold. surs sources say that since february christie has lost 30 pounds. the governor once the captain of his high school baseball team said his growing waistline has been weighing heavily on him for close to 30 years becoming the subject of endless jokes. >> christie hopes to visit the site of the last supper to see if there's any leftovers. >> bring it, fat boy. >> reporter: sources tell abc news that he's long been a fad dieter and has a personal trainer. >> i do everything he tells me to do. >> reporter: nearly three months in he hopes the scales tip in his favor but not tipping his hand as to how much he plans to shed. >> it's nobody's business but mine and that's the reason i made the decision i did. that's all. >> and the governor was roasted last night. one reporter joked i guess springsteen is no longer the
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band closest to the governor's heart. >> thank you so much. to sam champion and the weather. drenching rain here in times square. >> because now it shifts up toward the northeast. early this morning an awful lot of lightning strikes off the shore, as well. thousands of them and now this rain moving into new york city, but also connecticut, rhode island, boston in line for some of this rain. that's good news. new york is about four inches below normal in their rainfall. boston, 4 inches, as well. new york is 35. boston is 4 and now we'll watch this area of low pressure move up and spread some rain that day. solidly rainy day, the rain itself will come in and out. dodge city, wichita city, oklahoma city, all in line for strong storms and talk more about that in the next half hour.
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now to that amazing comeback from mark sanford, the former governor of south carolina may be best known for disappearing
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during his term to visit his girlfriend in argentina. his political career seemed finish, but last night voters sent him to congress. abc's jeff zeleny shows us how it happened. >> all: let's go mark! >> reporter: this morning mark sanford is the new comeback kid. >> i just want to acknowledge a god not just of second chances but third, fourth, fifth, sixth chances. we'll let the chips fall where they may. >> reporter: and humiliated. personally. overnight the disgraced former south carolina governor. >> the republican governor in that state has disappeared. >> reporter: who made headlines saying he was hiking the appalachian trail when he was really visiting his mistress in argentina rose from the depth of the scandal and became the new member of congress even acknowledging on stage the argentinean woman he now calls his soul mate. >> my fiancee had a ten-hour trip in an airplane rather than a car.
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>> reporter: his political career has unfolded like a steamy novel. his former wife jenny who left him flirted with the idea of running herself, then later accused him of trespassing. >> all: this is our side! >> reporter: even his opponent seemed like a comic twist. elizabeth colbert-busch. the sister of steven colbert. >> we knew it would be an uphill climb. >> reporter: he was first elected to congress in the 1984 gop wave and voters in this deeply republican district well aware of his indiscretions are sending him back to washington. and before he returns back here to the capital he faces another date in divorce court tomorrow with his ex-wife jenny. george and elizabeth. >> all right, jeff, thank you so much. coming up on "gma" more on the three girls rescued in ohio captive for a decade. why didn't 245i try to escape earlier. the jury deliberating in the jodi arias trial. we have a first look at the questions jurors asked to decide her fate. diamond battle.
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taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. >> now from abc7 news, oakland firefighters are looking into the cause of a fire this o at a well-known bakery. the fire at merritt bakery and restaurant on east 18th started shortly before 3:00.
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it took half an hour to put out fire. the damage was extensive. the popular bakery opened in 195 2. leyla gulen has the commute. >> this is the bay bridge toll plaza, busy conditions right now comes from oakland and under clouds. association use make your drive into san francisco you going to tam on the brakes. headed into san jose we have a brand new accident northbound along 101 as you approach blossom hill you can see it is causing a backup with at least one lane blocked but you still are on the pricks continuing in the northbound direction. eric? >> when we come back, mike
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>> look at live doppler 7 hd tracking light showers trying to move from the central valley into contra costa county, most of it falling apart before it gets here but we have cloud cover and flight arrival delays into sfo at an hour and 12 minutes. temperatures are in the 50's at game and cloudy and 58 at 12:45 and warming up to
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bow wow wow yippee yo ♪ >> look at these golden retrievers making us feel so calm and so great this morning. >> feeling pretty great, a little doggie spa part of you're not dreaming week here at "gma." >> can you stand it? >> i think that dog could stand it for about seven more hours. >> and this story lara was telling me about off camera. these dogs are just incredible. they bring so much comfort to people in traumatic situations. we'll tell you all about it. we say good morning, america. robin off. >> sometimes they bring a lot of comfort to anchors at the desk. >> we'll sit with them and chill out speedy fast. >> yeah. that's what i just said.
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>> he's out. >> also coming up we'll have the latest in the jodi arias trial. jury is deliberating her fate entering her third day and a look at some of the hundreds of questions the jurors have asked during the trial and do they hold clues about whether she'll get second degree murder, first degree murder or manslaughter. highlash ex-texass, are they bad for your health? a lot love them but we'll take a closer look this morning at what they do and if they're worth it. i know, i cringe. >> i look at that and i just -- what world am i living in? >> a lot of pym don't have lashes. >> okay, okay. >> i can't stand it but weird to look at that. emotional night with "dancing with the stars," sean, peta gone from the ballroom. we'll talk to them live about the elimination coming up.
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first we'll begin with cleveland and that incredible story and new questions about how the three girls were held for so long. one of them for 11 years in that tiny house in that neighborhood. abc anchor david muir has been looking at that. why didn't they leave earlier? >> reporter: yes, so many asking that, elizabeth. you know, i spent some time with the fbi who told me about the extraordinary bond these women created inside the house, really part of their survival fear driving so much of what played out over those ten years which might explain why ammanda took that long to decide to pound on the door, pick up that fine and dial 911. amanda berry, gina dejesus, michele knight, all held captive for a decade and more details are revealed and one question on the miefrndzs of so many, over the last ten years never another chance to escape? >> the fear of what if i tried
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to escape, i'm not successful then i'm killed many times will drive victims not to ait e. to escape. >> reporter: what happened to shawn hornbeck. she was kidnapped by michael devlin. when he tried to strangle the boy, promised never to escape or tell the truth. he kept a word. not a move for four years until police discovered him. >> he felt somewhat guilty he could kochts get away. i told him everything he did was right. jaycee dugard was held 18 years telling diane her captor's grip was so strong she never tried to flee. >> my manipulation plus the physical abuse i suffered in the beginning, there was no leaving. >> reporter: dugard told diane she felt guilty for bonding with garrido. >> the abductor will be their
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own connection to the outside world and they may even on some levels look forward to seeing them. >> your whole world is crashing down around you. >> reporter: elizabeth smarts with held by brian david mitchell and was too afraid to attempt to escape. >> they don't don't have a life experience to counter what the bad guy is telling them. >> reporter: in this indicate, those will created a sort of family of their own inside that house and in the hours afterwards, they were asked can you check on each other going into each other's rooms and in fact some of the young women had the artwork of their little girl but proud to show it off when the police officers decided to check on them thflselves. they'll be a unit together for many years to come. >> dr. michael welner, you examined elizabeth smart's
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kidnappers and know what goes on in the minds of these kidnappers, describe this process of a traumatic bonding that holds the two together. >> well, i think it's best for us to take a step back about these kinds of situations and it's best to understand that the common modus operandi of a kidnapper or kidnappers is certainly to create an extraordinary amount of fear that they have a capacity either to kill the fact, the abduct ee or to kill their family. he will do a variety of things, physically, sexually to dehumanize the victim and it's the dehumanization which is the beginning of the process where the person loses their identity. what is part and parcel people have been away for a long time is that the kidnapper is invested and investigated their sense of who they were, their
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connection to their past which makes it easier to manipulate a continued connection. part of that is making them entirely dependent upon the captor for their needs and i would also add when you have multiple people involved, not only captors, but captives, the prime move creates a system in which pima nip late each other. i wouldn't be surprised if the child was part of that. a threat to a helpless used to leverage continued compliance, so it's fear and dehumanization to elicit compliance, absolute lines which means absolute silence and the dependence and continued fear moves that along. it happens -- it happens in a system involves a variety of people when they're available.
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>> if this system is working inside the house it doesn't surprise you that none of the neighbors with a couple of brief exceptions really saw anything or had any clues for so many years. >> it doesn't surprise me and important lesson to the general public because consider if someone is manipulative enough in his sexual deviance and ma nip tiff enough to come up with a system to inspire fear, dependence and absolute compliance, fooling and manipulating ignorant neighbors is easy, easy to understand how brian david mitchell was looking right at a police officer and elizabeth smart was right there in a library and the police officer says, are you elizabeth smart and she remains silent and brian david mitchell says you can't lift that veil because we're muslim so that kind of a manipulation is part of this and
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enables it. >> we don't have a lot of time. what does the fbi do now talking to the women to get the best information without making them relive this traumatic experience? >> it's very difficult and painful for the victims and there's no way around it. it may be that the youngest child may have had a protected experience, perhaps her experience was a little easier but there's no easier way around it. i would encourage you and your victims, many who have been victimized enduring the trauma is a tremendous service to other victims to be able to come forward and prevent other people from victimizing heres. you must be heard. the trauma will empower you to engage it and endure the short taif term pain and assist law enforcement and lock people up and you will make sure they will never hurt others again and discourage others from following this their footsteps knowing that eventual they'll be caught
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and the victim will heard. will speak and not be silenced. >> thanks for that. the weather for sam. a lot of concern over the fishing sams in wisconsin and main. if i get this right, it's sheboygan began -- if i got this right, please tweet me. that's how worried i was about it. it shows you a good amount of ice on the bay and ashland last week. watch the temperatures coming up. chicagoland into the 70s, that yellow area all the way up into the u.p. of michigan, 81 in new orleans, 80 in jacksonville. it's all across the country. west happening here as this low steps off the coastline and kick up stronger storms during the texas, oklahoma all the way into missouri area. we'll show you more closely in
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>> good morning, partly sunny around the bay at 62 to 71 and mostly cloudy abilities the coast with low 60's. tomorrow the temperatures are same with more sunshine and look how >> so not only this area of storm, there are storms moving into the new york city area, as well. all that weather was brought to you by keurig. the jury deciding jodi arias' fate right now. did hundreds of questions asked by the jurors give us clues to their decision? oh, you have a keurig vue brewer! it's great! now i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. how do you do that? well, inside the brewer, there's this train that's powerful enough to carry more coffee and fresh water to make coffee that's stronger and bigger and even hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew keurig's best cup, stronger, bigger, or hotter, with the keurig vue.
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back now at 7:43 with the latest on the jodi arias trial and as the jury deliberates her fate right now could the hundreds of questions asked during the trial be clues to her fate? abc's ryan owens has the story. >> is there any reason we should believe that jodi has not manipulated you as she has others? >> reporter: long before the jurors reach a verdict in a sense they have long spoken. >> how do you know she hasn't killed travis out of jealousy. >> reporter: through the hundreds of questions they have asked witnesses. >> after all the lies you have told why should we believe you now. >> lies isn't typically something i just do. >> reporter: arizona is only one of a few state that allows questions from the jury and this group has taken full advantage for four months. >> why is it that you have no
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memory of stabbing travis? >> i can't really explain why my mind did what it did. >> reporter: many sounded profoundly skeptical of jodi arias and her claim that she killed travis alexander in self-defense. >> i think by asking them to have questions they tend to make up their mind earlier which means they've deliberated prior to hearing the evidence and polarizes them. >> reporter: which may explain why the verdict is taking longer than expected. while the questions seem pro-prosecution, attorney mark geragos says one word. >> jodi. >> jodi. >> jodi. >> reporter: the fact that they used jodi as opposed to her last name or the moniker, defendant, indicates that there is a familiarity there and it will make it tougher for them, i think, and maybe it gives some indication to give her the death penalty. >> reporter: so 13 hours and counting now for these deliberations. the jurors, the eight men and
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four women will be back in the courthouse behind me in a couple of hours to begin day four. lara, this is a very tense time for both sides as there is nothing anybody can do but wait. >> no kidding. ryan owens, we thank you so much. coming up here, the nba cheerleader criticized for her weight speaking out in an exclusive interview. what she wants everybody to know about her body and then josh's "play of the day." ♪ who'll rule the world girls on a red carpet. ♪ but she's the star of my life. [ female announcer ] kay jewelers presents a new collection from hollywood's premier jewelry designer neil lane designs. my designs are inspired by hollywood's glamorous past. [ female announcer ] hand-crafted diamond rings, earrings, and necklaces with a vintage look. at kay, the number-one jewelry store in america. for the star in your life. ♪ every kiss begins with kay 100% whole grain brown rice and wheat
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for those of us who like to think of ourselves as... unpredictable. new crystal light liquid. six flavors. zero calories. for every shade of you. six flavors. zero calories. thousands of cancer patients can't afford to stay near the best treatment centers. let's make sure that everyone who needs a room, gets one. let's help the american cancer society finish the fight. understated yet elegant, modern yet timeless- all with outstanding quality and complementary interior design service at irresistible prices. this is luxury made affordable. only at ethan allen.
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right then, here's the "play of the day." >> we said at the top of the show, remember a couple years ago the band okay go using treadmills as a complex -- >> oh, yeah. >> this, of course, intentional. but a band or at a gym in jacksonville, florida. >> oh, no. >> one only hopes it's intentional. >> he's pretty good. >> david wilson behind the
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cameras just happened to see this. i'd stop working out and see this. i believe our dancing director may, in fact, be working it out too. >> on a treadmill. >> i called for the shot so we got to see. >> give us a spin. give us a spin. >> you can dance if you want to, lilly. you can leave your friends behind. coming up here. sean and peta booted from the ballroom and leo dicaprio. go nowhere. that gave them scholarships... before they planned for their parents' future needs and their son's future... they chose a partner to help manage their wealth -- one whose insights, solutions, and approach have been relied on for over 200 years. that's the value of trusted connections. that's u.s. trust.
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>> now from abc7 news, good morning, i am kristen sze. an upstate from caltran is expected this morning on a problem with a new bay bridge bold. officials are expected to review how they plan to fix broken bolts and whether it will open as expand on labor day weekend. mike nicco checks the forecast. >> we are still look at live doppler 7 hd watching the showers as they move, trying to move in but they are having a hard time breaking through. mainly clouds this morning, and temperatures this afternoon under partly sunny sky in the 60's and a few 70's inland. leyla gulen? >> we have a sig-alert on the san mateo bridge westbound
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direction into foster city with at least two right lanes blocked due to an injury accident, a car versus a truck. right now, we have at least half an hour's drive to get to into foster city, use dumbarton instead. >> the news continues now w
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♪ who cares about a little rain? hello, everyone. now why are we playing that music? let's take a look up in the control room right now. there they are, the comforting dogs making everybody calm down in the control room this morning. >> what about the dogs? who is going to calm them down? >> it takes two for denise to calm down. they are great. and lara's got one. >> they are in fact the canine comfort dogs, they are the lutheran church charity heroes, they are my hero in our series "you're not dreaming" we have some very special surprises and a wonderful surprise coming up. >> this is so great.
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we all feel so calm and zen-like. i've never seen the control room without something flying through the air. >> yeah. >> going to sleep. >> in all seriousness that's scientifically proven a calm dog can heal you and lowers your rate and these dogs have been to more hotspots and tragedy zones and have done great work so today we celebrate them. also coming up -- a lot of women are getting eyelash extensions. it's one of the hottest new beauty trends but they could actually be bad for your health. we're going to explore the whole controversy. >> i'm not surprised. one man's opinion. a battle over a diamond ring. not just any ring. 10 carats worth almost $800,000. why an nfl star is suing a former fiancee to get the ring back. >> $800,000? i sort of can see it. >> that's a lot of cash.
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but here's a big surprise this morning, by the way, ladies and gentlemen, leonardo dicaprio is here. >> wow. >> now, not only is leo here and we're going to show you him in the flesh but take a look at this from the "gma" vault and, yes, we have a "gma" vault. one of his first on-set "parenthood" press conferences. take a look, everybody. >> hi, my name is leonardo dicaprio from "parenthood" and i think you guys should watch the show except -- especially my favorite two actors, joe pesci and jack nicholson. you guys should watch. i like to act. it'll get me ahead in life. i like the attention. i must admit. i like the attention. >> oh, my god. he looks adorable. >> especially it'll get him ahead in life. >> really far in life. >> he'll be here live in just a little bit. can't wait for that. that's going to be fantastic. star of "the great gatsby." news first from josh.
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we're going to begin with the latest from the cleveland kidnapping case. three suspect expected to be formally charged as investigators begin questioning them. authorities will also be meeting with the three victims now reacquainting themselves with their families after being held captive for the last decade, plus. meantime, cleveland police are facing new criticism. neighbors of the castros, the suspects in question claim that several years ago, calls were made about neighborhood women in the yard and banging sounds coming from the house. we'll have the latest in moments. one person who knows all too well what they went through is kidnapping victim jaycee dugard who spent 18 years in captivity. well, she spoke last night at the hope awards held by the center for missing and exploited children. her thoughts clearly with the women in cleveland. >> i want to say what an amazing time to be talking about hope with everything that's happening. i'd like all of us to remember to just ask yourself to care. >> now, she said the cleveland women will need time to heal and reconnect with the world.
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boy, we hope they are successful in doing that. meanwhile, on capitol hill today, three state department employees are expected to speak out about security lapses during the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya, challenging the administration's official version of what happened last september. the hearings could put the spotlight back on former secretary of state hillary clinton. and former south carolina governor mark sanford who famously ran off to argentina to be with his mistress has completed his remarkable political comeback. he easily won tuesday's special election to fill a vacant seat in congress. and a developing story in italy, a container ship trashed into the traffic control tower at the port of genoa, killing seven in the process. three others remain missing in the rubble. and a prison escape, really something out of "shawshank redemption." authorities say that the double murder you see her broke out of a high security prison in moscow using only a
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spoon to carve into the ceiling of his cell and access a ventilation shaft about, and he remains free today. >> how long did it take him? >> again, if i knew that -- if i knew that we'd have him in custody. >> follow-up free zone. >> okay, you got to wonder. >> couldn't do it in a night. >> and a very -- and sam, we'll wan to stick around for pod two. as you all know, leonardo dicaprio will be with us later in the show as we celebrate the opening of "the great gatsby" on friday. what you may not know is that when f. scott fitzgerald died in 1940 the great american novel wasn't considered so great. in fact, it sold fewer than 25,000 copies. >> no way. >> it picked up through the years and today 25 million copies have sold worldwide and this week, thanks to buzz surrounding baz's film, the 1925
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classic is the second top selling book in the u.s. >> "the great gatsby." >> absolutely. i'd start reading it again. if you get a chance read it before you go see it. it is a terrific. and a big honor this morning for this girl. robin roberts, our beloved robin has been named "reader's digest" most trusted person in tv news. [ applause ] >> so well deserved. we always knew it. so glad america does, as well. she graces the cover of the june issue and inside tells how her parents inspired her to live with integrity and character. go to on yahoo! to find out who else made the list. robin, love you. >> we say congratulations. >> we love you. thinking of you always, my friend. and over 78,000 people applied now. this is an update to a story you all had many questions about. remember the show -- >> pod three, sam. >> listen to the music, sam. oh, yeah, they've applied to
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move to mars for the lifelong reality show, the final choice about who moves to mars will be made by viewers of the tv show that aims to establish a colony on the red planet by 2023. the dutch production company began accepting applications just two weeks ago, and already almost 100,000 people want to move to mars. departure for the red planet scheduled for 2022. happy sailing, everybody. scotty, did you volunteer? we need you here. >> i'm going. >> we need you here. let's go to sam. >> good morning. >> hey. hey. i didn't hear anything you said. we're outside and there are strong and -- let me use the mike here. your name? >> marietta. >> there have been strong and severe storms around new york city and brought everyone into safety under the overhang here at the "gma" studios. but there is a lot of heavy rain in the new york city area. this is the storm system that's brought heavy rain all across the country famously to virginia
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and north carolina just yesterday and last night. now it's capable of delivering several inches of rain in a very short period of time from new york to boston, all the way to portland, and heavy lightning and along the coast watch for this lightning. a dangerous situation you don't want to be out too long in it and find a place where you're safe, dry and comfortable. on the west coast, we got some beautiful temperatures. 77 in portland, eugene showing off in the 70s, as well. america's heartland, dallas to oklahoma and kansas, there will be a line of stron
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>> you guys are all taking a cruise today? >> all: yeah! >> well, wait. since i put you under here will you take me on the cruise? all right. i'm going with you. lara let's go inside. i ghot to go. >> thank you so much, sam. here's a look at what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." 10 carats, almost $800,000. the nfl star suing his former fiancee to get the ring back. and our exclusive interview with the cheerleader under fire for her weight. what she has to say now. "the bachelor" and his partner peta booted from the ballroom join us early in l.a. and joining us live. we thank them for that. all that plus leo dicaprio is with us right here on "good morning america." "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by the makers of
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the jcpenney mother's day sale. .
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but i don't give up easy... do you want 50% more cash? yes! yes?! ♪ [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? why? and we've hit the why phase... you're to blame ♪ >> welcome back. "the heat index" seems a bit discordant with what what happen, the spirit award being won despite the rainstorm. lots to get to. including an nfl star who spent over $750,000 on a ten-carat ring for his fiancee, only for her to then break off the engagement according to him and keep the ring as a parting gift. >> trying to tell you the eyelash extensions.
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>> oh, we ran that? >> yeah. >> the ring and get the eye -- >> i'm still opposed to the eyelashes. this one is bit murkier. >> a doozy. good morning, the notion of putting a ring on it just got a lot more complicated for an nfl player who says, get this, he actually asked his fiancee ahead of time if they didn't get married would she agree to give the ring back, she allegedly said yes. now she's decided she doesn't want to keep the man, just wants to keep the bling. ooh. >> reporter: mario williams, the 6'6", 292-pound defensive end is playing offense these days attempting to take down his former fiancee, erin marzouki to get the whopping 10-carat diamond engagement ring he gave her back in his possession. >> if it was mr. williams who had broken off the engagement there may be some argument that miss marzouki would be able to keep the ring.
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>> reporter: but that didn't happen. williams says marzouki was the one who called off the engagement after williams says she spent a lot of his money. in addition to the bling on her finger that cost the player nearly $800,000, williams' lawsuit filed monday says he gave his ex-fiancee an american express credit card which she charged $108,000. it also says she showered her with gifts in excess of $230,000, all over the course of just one year. but it wasn't all that long ago when the two were all smiles as williams signed a $100 million contract with the buffalo bills. >> caring, compassionate people that definitely have your back and i can see that already. >> reporter: this isn't the first instance of buyer's remorse in love. in 2011 dallas cowboy wide receiver roy williams recovered a $76,000 engagement ring he gave to his then girlfriend brooke daniels a former miss
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texas, usa and it sounds like mario williams may be about to make a winning play himself. by virtue of the fact that the engagement ring is being given in contemplation of the marriage and the fact that the marriage is not taking place, that gift hasn't been completed. it seems cut and dried based upon texas law in fact she has to give that engagement ring back. >> we reached out to both parties. both declined comment. you guys, obviously know the song -- ♪ i'm not saying she's a gold digger ♪ >> but i would give the ring back. >> she's not marrying him. it's a contract. null and void. ♪ >> he's probably out of luck as far as the money he gave her in gifts, though, is the only thing. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> nicely done, denise up in the control room. "our gma heat index." the hot new trend. eyelash extensions. have you heard about them? some are warning that the trend isn't so safe and take away what little lashes you have.
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abbie boudreau explains. ♪ what i want to be >> reporter: the longer your lashes, the better? ♪ something in the water >> reporter: if you ask katy perry. or nicki minaj. ♪ >> reporter: the answer is yes. some women are turning to eyelash extensions to make their eyes pop. but can they be dangerous? >> it works like i have ripped on my eyelids. >> reporter: when kristin chenoweth tried out the popular trend she had a different reaction. an allergic one. >> can you see? >> reporter: eyelash extensions are typically made of synthetic finers which are glued on to the natural eyelashes. many times with formaldehyde-dazed adhesive which cause allergic reactions for some. they're warning women with longer lashes may not be worth it. >> the hidden dangers with
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eyelash extensions include infection, allergic reaction, irritation, and loss of your natural lashes. >> i wanted to feel like if i walked out of the house with nothing else my eyelashes would look good. >> reporter: tiffany was going for a cat eye look. >> adele has fabulous lashes. >> reporter: at first she said she loved her new lashes but then they started growing out. >> so i kneed to take them out and when i did so unfortunately out came my lashes with the extensions. >> any chemical exposure with the cornea being so susceptible to scarring and infections and irritation, then it could be harmful. >> reporter: the association of damage-free eyelash extension tells abc news properly applied eyelash extensions are not dangerous and that the adhesive should not contain formaldehyde and hypoallergenic adhesives are available. luckily for tiffany howard her
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eyelashes grew back. was it worth it? >> oh, absolutely not. >> reporter: and now she's back to the basics. >> i haadele's got nothing on m >> reporter: for "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> sounds like a lot of work. >> what we do for beauty. >> aye-yie-yie. this next story is burning up the "gma heat index". the latest on the nba cheerleader who took a lot of attention on her weight. she's speaking out to bianna golodryga and has the story. ♪ >> reporter: she's performed in front of thousands but oklahoma city thunder cheerleader kelsey williams was unwittingly thrust into the national spotlight after an online blogger questioned her appearance at an article asking "is this girl too chunky to be an okc thunder cheerleader?" >> i got online and reading it
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my heart sank. >> reporter: it went viral and shockingly it came from a woman who has since lost her job but the damage was done. the rockets look terrible but some say they weren't the only bad looking people on the court. what did you think when you read that. >> i was definitely embarrassed and just -- just devastated. >> reporter: if you could say something to her right now, what would that be? >> shame on you. i mean you're a woman. you know exactly what we all go through on a daily basis, just being a woman. shame on you. >> reporter: kelsey says she eats right and works out three to four hours a day to meet the strenuous requirements of being a professional cheerleader but she also embraces her body. >> i've always had more of an athletic built different than the slender ballerina that some people may think of as a dancer and that's just not me. >> reporter: do you mind what size you are? >> i wear a size 4. >> reporter: you're a size 4.
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>> people were constantly saying, wow, if you're chunky, if you're chubby, if you're too fat, then there's no hope for me. i give up. >> reporter: describe that moment when you had to put that uniform back on. >> my first game back, it was -- i was really scared. i had a feeling that a lot of people would be looking for me just because i'm me now instead of a thunder girl and so i was really nervous and i had a huge knot in my stomach right up until the game started but once i ran out on to the court and the game started, it just -- it felt like normal. it felt good to be back. >> kelsey has gotten overwhelming support not only from her family but fans and perfect strangers through social media and she says she wants to find the silver lining in what happened to her. took to twitter and wrote "to be
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womanly always, discouraged never." what did you mean by that? >> i have so much love and me sending hate her way would do nothing. what's done is done and just going to try to keep my chin up. >> and we couldn't get a comment from the blogger because the radio station the blogger worked for hasn't identified the former employer. kelsey thinks the blogger shouldn't have been fired. if fact she says she wouldn't have wished that on anyone. she had only been married for a month. i think she looks fantastic. a great spirit. >> thanks, bianna. "dancing with the stars" time now and the end of the line for bachelor sean lowe and came down to this. >> the couple with the lowest combined judges' scores and votes and therefore leaving now is sean and peta. >> getting up early, peta
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murgatroyd and sean lowe. it is crunch time now, sean, you saw jacoby and kellie pickler there. had to be tough. >> yeah, when i'm in the bottom three with jacoby and kellie, i knew my time with "dancing with the stars" is over. >> well said. >> okay, i want to ask you guys about something that happened monday night. there was a big blowup between the judges. let's take a quick look at the clip and want to hear you, sean and peta, react to it. >> i don't want to see flashy music. i want a paso doble. >> no, no, no. >> len is wrong. len is wrong! >> you know about this stuff. you know i'm right. >> wait. >> len! that was amazing. that was incredible. >> what do you mean? you -- you can't talk unless you
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stand up. you have [ bleep ] up your -- >> what was that like being in the room when that happened? >> i couldn't believe it because kellie's performance was incredible and len gave her the same score he gave me which should not have been the case. >> right. it's a little bit like peta said seeing your parents fight in front of the kids. >> yeah, well said. >> and a few million other people like us. sean, you were one of those guys that really went on the show and really needed to learn to dance. eight weeks later, did you -- did you surpass your own expectations? >> i feel like i did. i mean i had no dancing background and dancing is so foreign and awkward to me but each week peta did a great job of just kind of busting my tail in rehearsal and making sure that i always did whatever it took so that i was ready for monday and, you know, i'm proud
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of what we accomplished together. >> i know you have a big day coming up. the wedding dance, i understand you're going to choreograph it for sean and what are you thinking about doing? >> absolutely. it's going to be such a privilege to be able to do this. i would love to do a waltz for these guys, i've duly done the viennese waltz and katherine is an amazing dancer, naturally talented. >> the murgalow? >> maybe one little -- >> 8:00, 7:00 central. coming up leo dicaprio coming up live. ♪
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>> now from abc7 news. >> good morning, oakland firefighters are looking to the cause of a fire this morning at a well none bakery. the fire at the merritt bakery and restaurant on east 18th street started shortly before 3:00 with smoke pouring from the back of the builting. it took crews an hour to put out fire and caused extensive damage to the kitchen and a utility room inside. officials say the popular bakery opened in 19523. no word on how long it could take to get the business open again. we are checking with leyla gulen on the morning commute. we have two signature aleaders -- sig-alerts on the san mateo-hayward bridge with injuries involved half an hour to get away from hayward to foster city. the second sig-alert is in
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pleasant hill southbound 680 at monument boulevard a big rig is stalled. backup from 242. kristen? >> we will
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>> still trying to got rain in fairfield and the central valley but it has not made it here. a few sprinkles are possible as we head into the next couple of hours. we have clouds and high amounts of tree pollen and, also, some
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ragweed out there so be careful of that. seven-day forecast shows mild the next few days but ♪ will you still love me what a dazzling show, "the great gatsby" opens up this friday. we've been celebrating the past couple of weeks. and there's the star right there, leonardo dicaprio. [ cheers and applause ] >> live this morning. >> amen. >> it's going to be great. i love this movie. such a gorgeous piece of eye candy. >> uh-huh. also, she is one of the hottest up and coming singer/songwriters, gin wigmore is here with an incredible performance, and she got a big breakout on a beer commercial starring daniel craig. have to start someplace. >> and speaking of starting some place, something we were talking about yesterday, "iron man 3." look at the new breakout star. this is an important role. breakout role, if you will. >> american airways was
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hijacked -- >> remains on high alert. >> to find the mandarin has so far proved unsuccessful. >> central to my administration. response to this terrorist event is a newly minted resource. i know him as colonel james rhodes. the american people will soon know him as the iron patriot. >> we'll round up to one hour. >> thank you. i'd like to thanks a lot of folks. >> i think that you and leo should really talk about where you come from and -- how you get to that place. >> oh, there it is again. just keep reracking it. you have to do it a lot. if you blink, you will literally miss me. champion, i blame you. >> you own that second. you do. >> we've had -- it's a great week. we were all asked, pick a story that really resonated with you, something you really wanted to tell, not just all of you about perhaps again, but people who
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really now have earned some special surprises. i tell you what, lara, you picked a great one. >> ah, thank you. this one comes from the heart. i haven't stopped thinking about them since i met them. everybody, these are -- well, this is a group i encountered when i was in newtown, connecticut, covering the shooting there and in the midst of a town experiencing a horror which still haunts all of us. i remember seeing these beautiful golden retrievers in the center of town wagging their tails simply waiting to be pets. giving people a moment they couldn't get anywhere else, a glimmer of comfort. even just a second of joy, and here's how these remarkable dogs accomplished this all over the country. ♪ it's often the simplest acts that make the biggest difference. >> there's nothing like a golden retriever to warm your heart so 10 of them traveled 800 miles from chicago to newtown to bring a little comfort to
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schoolchildren in the community. ♪ >> ah. >> want to come home with us? >> this is one of the best things. they like the kids. everybody could use that kind of love. >> reporter: wearing their signature blue signs that says "please pet me." the lutheran church charity's good will army of 60 plus golden retrievers time and again have been there when a community needs them most. >> my house got destroyed by the tornado. once i saw them, they just made me really happy because dogs are my best friend, and they just comfort me. ♪ >> reporter: whether it's attending school with local children or comforting those in need with a simple wag of the tail. >> i did not know anything about the canine comfort dogs at all. the only way i found out about them was because we were so distressed from the whole, bombing, being there. when i saw them, i cried.
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they're so calming, comforting. they let you just hug them. they were incredible, incredible. the stress they relieved. >> reporter: studies prove that even just petting a dog can decrease levels of stress hormones, regulate breathing, lower blood pressure and release oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and affection. they have been there when we needed them most, and today we're there for them. >> thank you for coming after the boston marathon. >> all: thank you. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> and i'm here with kim, who runs the group, the canine comfort dogs. we cannot thank you enough and one of the dog handlers, jen. jen has been at sandy hook school since the shooting every single solitary day with addie, correct? and i just wanted to give you
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this. this is a card hand-made from the third grade class there who says that addie has been a giant help to them, and they wanted to thank you for your time, and now we want to introduce everybody to the stars of the show. here they are, the canine comfort dogs starting -- look at them -- on the red carpet. there they are. and they have been to so many places and helped so many people in boston, victims of sandy, and they are all going to our spa. you've heard of canyon ranch. it's a luxurious spa. this is a canine ranch. josh, you are over there. >> are these for the dogs? >> yes, they are doggie bags we created. >> i see what you did there, lara. >> those are from sergeant's pet care for the dogs and then -- >> you have some toys, some shampoo. some jerky or thereabouts, delicious. >> yep, that's right, and then our next station is the ruff-laxation massage.
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how would you like to say that three times fast? this is for all the dogs. we also have dog grooming for the little fellows. and that's from new york dog spa and hotel. just to say thank you to them. but you know what, obviously they can't do it without their human counterparts. you guys deserve such a giant thank you. you guys go to any place that needs these dogs on a moment's notice. you were in boston the moment the bombing happened, that afternoon, and for that we want to give you a little bit of a relaxation moment, as well, as these dogs give so many. so you guys are getting gift certificates to bliss spa. so go and enjoy them. [ applause ] >> my favorite. >> and there's one more thing, sam, that i want you to look at the monitor, because right outside is -- oh, how about this monitor, it's even bigger. take a look. "you're not dreaming!" this van is yours for the next
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year to take the dogs wherever you need to go. [ applause ] >> thank you, guys. >> thank you. >> i know it's been hard for you to get the dogs where they need to go, and hertz has been kind enough to give this van -- they know what an important job these dogs do and you guys do, and so for that we want to say thank you from "good morning america." >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you to everybody. [ applause ] love you guys. we love you. keep up the great work, all right? in the meantime, we want you to go learn more about the lutheran church's comfort dog ministry and you can do that at at yahoo!. sam, will you give us one more check of the weather. >> i can't, i'm completely and totally relaxed with hannah. let's get to the boards and start with your twitter and facebook pages. one or two things going on we want to share with you as you step outside the door.
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we'll begin with out of -- wait a minute. where are we, times square, by the way. this again as the flood watches and warnings have been out from new york all the way into boston this morning with heavy, heavy rain and even frequent lightning so do take it a little extra slow on the road surfaces if you're on your way outside the door. stronger storms will light up. a little concern some of these will have damaging winds and even a possible tornado west of oklahoma city but by late afternoon, okay, see, you're definitely in the line, washington, philly, raleigh, atlanta, next several days are getting warmer after this cool rain moves out of the area. i really feel like i should be -- after this cool rain. that's the weather around the >> good morning, partly sunny around the bay at 62 to 71 and mostly cloudy abilities the coast with low 60's. tomorrow the temperatures are same with more sunshine and look >> oh, that weather was brought to you by capital one. shh, don't wake hannah. lara.
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>> thank you so much, sam, and, again, we want to thank the canine comfort dogs. jim, jen, all the handlers and, of course, the four-legged friends. >> coming up we've got "great gatsby" star leonardo dicaprio with us live, so don't go anywhere.
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♪ a little party never killed nobody ♪ >> we have been mesmerized by
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"the great gatsby" and this morning the man at the center of it all, leonardo dicaprio, one of the most icon ic characters n american literature jay gatsby. >> i've gotten all these things, i've gotten all these things for her. now she just wants to run away. she wants to leave that. >> jay, you can't repeat the past. >> you can't repeat the past? >> no. >> well, of course, you can. of course, you can. >> and with that we welcome back leonardo dicaprio. thanks for coming back. >> thank you. thank you. >> do you believe that? of course, you can? >> well, i think what people identify with jay gatsby is he's the iconic american dreamer and he's holding on to a relic of the past that is daisy buchanan but she's a mirage and no longer exists but that's what i became
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fascinated by in portraying him was his obsession, his obsession and his relentless hope that he could re-create the past but, of course, he couldn't. >> we were just talking about the fact you -- like all of us read this in junior high school, high school and baz luhrmann give you a first edition before you took on the role and you read it again and again and again and when you go back to it as an adult, what did you get from the story? >> well, you know, i read it in junior high school and it made sense to me and it was in my mind sort of traditional love story at the time period and it was representative of the roaring '20s and i kind of tapped into gatsby's obsession, but baz handed me a first edition copy and said i want to rediscover this novel and i want to put it up on film and i want you to reread it and ras an adult that's what's so incredibly powerful about this novel. it takes on a different meaning. you know, as you mature and age, you start to understand the symbolism. it's really an existential
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novel. you know, it's really one of those books that is not only -- it's woven into the fabric of america. and here at the center you have this man that creates himself according to his own imagination. and the 1920s in a place like america where everything -- >> baz luhrmann creates that world in such a spectacular way. >> yes, he does. he -- he really made the 1920s roar in this film. but with baz, you know, any time you sit in a room with him he's one of the most nostalgic sort of exciting artists you could everen your ter and almost impossible to say no to him because he transports you to another era. >> were you reluctant. >> i was reluctant because i think that what's so powerful about this novel is everyone has their own interpretation of these characters and it's such a voyeuristic novel. the way fitzgerald writes these scenes you feel like you're in the room with them so everyone has their own intimate
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relationship with these -- >> especially in 3d. does that change when you're acting, do you adjust your performance knowing it's going to be in 3d. >> oh, no, never. but, you know, we really attempted this like a theater productio production. the last plaza sequence which is ten minutes long in the movie which is the final climax of the novel. >> the fight. >> the big fight at the end, you know, we rehearsed that like a theater company for weeks and weeks and endlessly tried to dissect fitzgerald's words and went into that room for two weeks and locked ourselves away. but the great thing about 3d that i think is so surprising in this film is that it gives you that ability to immerse yourself in the room. you understand the palpable tension between the characters. >> no question about that. >> you feel the heat of the room that fitzgerald so describes and it just adds another layer of what it's like to be the reader and feel like you're in the
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room. >> that is absolutely true and you can feel all that intensity. we only have a minute left. i want to ask you about this. the 11th hour. you're sponsoring an auction with christie's. >> yes. >> all to raise money for the environment and wildlife pre preservati preservation. tell us about it. >> i've been involved in environmental issues for 15 years now and, you know, only 2% of philanthropy goes towards ecology. surprising number. >> that is surprising. >> it is very surprising. so for me it was about raising awareness of these issues, what we're trying to do is conserve and save pristine ecosystems. >> we're showing some of the artwork. >> coral reef systems, forests home to endangered species and 33 of the greatest sort of contemporary artists have donated works to the christie's auction and all will go toward conserving these last wild place. >> that is gray coming up may 13th. >> may 13th. i'm in my promotion now. christie', 11hour auction.
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check it outen 0line sign up to bid. great work. >> check out "the great gatsby" friday. when we come back the new pop says gin wigmore. thank
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♪ breakout singer/songwriter gin wigmore is here headlining the warp tour here to tell us about her new album "gravel & wine." her sophomore album went multiplatinum in new zealand. >> i know. >> gin, g-i-n. how did you get that name. >> my full name was virginia and ginnie when i grew up and lost that around 14 and then that kind of got shortened to gin. >> i love that you got the inspirit situation for this album by going to memphis and looking at a lot of places where elvis hung out and write music and perform. >> well, he's cool, man. i mean i didn't know what the fuss was about with elvis.
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i know he prances about and i discovered a man, how much of a performer he is and was and the songs and the passion he sang songs with. it was very much the inspiration behind this record. >> we are so happy to you being here. "black sheath off the new album "gravel & wine." gin wigmore. >> thank you very much. thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ i got lots of jealous lovers that all wish they had me back ♪
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♪ got a pistol for a mouth my old mama gave me that ♪ ♪ making my own road out of gravel and some wine ♪ ♪ and if i have to fall then it won't be in your line ♪ ♪ everybody's doing it so why the hell should i ♪ ♪ everybody's doing it so why the hell should i ♪ ♪ i'm a bad woman to keep make me mad i'm not here to please ♪ ♪ paint me in a corner but my color comes back ♪ ♪ once you go black you never go back i'm a black sheep ♪ ♪ i'm a black sheep ♪ i wasn't born a beauty queen but i'm okay with that ♪ ♪ maybe radio won't mind if i sing a little flat ♪ ♪ i wear my boots to bed hang a cross up on the wall ♪ ♪ to save me from a shallow grave that wants to take us all ♪ ♪ everybody's doing it so why
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the hell should i ♪ ♪ everybody's doing it so why the hell should i ♪ ♪ i'm a bad woman to keep make me mad i'm not here to please ♪ ♪ paint me in a corner but my color comes back ♪ ♪ once you go black you never go back ♪ ♪ i'm a black sheep i'm a black sheep ♪ ♪ i'm a black sheep i'm a black sheep ♪ ♪ i got lots of jealous lovers that all wish they had me back ♪ ♪ got a pistol for a mouth my old mama gave me that ♪ ♪ making my own road out of gravel and some wine ♪ ♪ and if i have to fall then it won't be in your line ♪ ♪ i'm a bad woman to keep make me mad i'm not here to
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please ♪ ♪ paint me in a corner but my color comes back once you go black you never go back ♪ ♪ once you go black you never go back ♪ ♪ once you go black you never go back once you go black you never go back ♪ ♪ once you go black you never go back ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ the dog days are over >> big thanks to all our comfort dogs. breakfast in bed. instagram.
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>> now from abc7 news, good morning, i am kristen sze. the giants are hoping to avoid a sweep at at&t park this afternoon with the phillies. how will the weather be? mike nicco has the weather. >> the clouds will be stubborn. still tracking sprinkles to antioch and possibly pittsburg the next 45 minutes. game time temperature of 58. warming to only 62 with pockets of sunshine. sunshine and warmth for mother's day. >> sig-alert has cancel westbound direction with all lanes re-opened and we have a brand new jackknifed big rig on the eastbound side of 92, at skyline boulevard, and that will
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cause quite the jam out there. drive safe, everyone. announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, actress and author jessica alba, and katie couric takes on the co-hosts in the great karaoke battle of 2013. plus, a new mom from san francisco gets a new look as we continue our "new you in new york makeover"s. all next on the emmy-winning live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause]


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